Kate Toomey’s no good, very bad night

It’s not all fun and games being a city councilor—just ask Kate Toomey, who was visibly irritated after being the target of several disagreements at Tuesday night’s meeting. First, Toomey, who is considering a run for mayor, came under fire for her proposal to hold a series of hearings on the budget around the city from a few councilors, notably Paul Clancy and Phil Palmieri, who accused Toomey of trying to change the budget process and adding additional responsibilities to an “intense time” for councilors. “This is an intense time for citizens of the city as well. I’m not asking to change the process of the budget,” said an annoyed Toomey. “[We need] the opportunity to get out there and talk to people…not everyone watches [budget hearings] at 4 in the afternoon…If you don’t want to have three, have one. I think it’s important that we get out…that they know what’s happening.” Later in the meeting, Toomey stopped speaking several times on her motion for the City Manager to use Twitter after being interrupted. (When she mentioned that Governor Deval Patrick uses the quick hit messaging service, Clancy quipped about his 28% approval rating). Toomey’s night was capped by a blocked motion to have local colleges due a study on moving the city to a single tax rate over 5, 7 or 10 years.


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4 responses to “Kate Toomey’s no good, very bad night

  1. Why does it not surprise me that Clancy and Palmeri don’t want to “change” the budget process when the reality is what Toomey is encouraging is better communication and transparency.

    It’s time for the coach to pull Clancy out of the game and I do hope, as the word on the street is, that he chooses not to run for re-election. The old way isn’t working homey and it’s time for a new regime.

    I wholeheartedly encourage City Manager O’Brien, Mayor Lukes and City Councilors to use Twitter. It’s quick, it’s easy and even a caveman can do it. [Ok, shameless plug for GEICO.]

    There are many folks that like to bash Kate Toomey, but when she does bring up some good points that take some “work”, folks want to treat her like a skeet shooting clay. I say it’s time to “Pull” their card, Kate. Pull their card!!!

  2. I don’t want to judge Kate Toomey’s suggestion to the City Manager without hearing more about it—I have a lot of respect for her, and I think her past suggestions for putting Council meetings online were 100% correct and ahead of the curve. And of course she made *great* use of Facebook during the ice storm, with status updates that reportedly even helped some people find shelter!

    But this reminds me of a comment Merlin Mann has made, and that I’m hearing from him again in this talk: people say things like, “Zappos is on Twitter!” without recognizing that Zappos has invested millions in customer service so it can both staff that presence and back it up. Is the City Manager even sending out daily e-mails to the public at this point? Who in his office is going to microblog and what are they going to say?

    Archiving City Council meetings online is easy. Unless you already have processes in place, creating short, meaningful, timely messages for the public is hard.

  3. CC Toomey has made an obvious effort to communicate with the public via several channels. Cool Kate…

    Ya know what, its so typical Wusta when one tries to pull out of the pack, the others get really bitchy. Their Wusta roots is showing through.

    Poor Kate trying to profile herself among a field of nincompoops. Go Kate gooo….

  4. shamus fleming

    It’s time to listen to the courageous, the bold thinkers and those willing to take thoughtful action on behalf of our citizens………..I am proud that Kate has the passion and strength to stand up and be 21st century savvy.
    All elected officials should be required to pass a minimum MCAS for the sake of our own safety.
    It appears that on worcester’s homefront ….Math has presented a huge roadblock !

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