Daily Archives: September 22, 2008

Central Mass AFL-CIO will not back Moore

According to a memo from Central Massachusetts AFL-CIO President Joe Carlson, the union will not support State Senate candidate Michael Moore in the general election. “It is just not acceptable to have anyone degrade and criticize organize labor in the manner that the Moore campaign and then expect us to help him in a general election,” writes Carlson to his members.

Check out the full memo after the jump.

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Police union battle: Over before it began?

The Boston Globe is reporting that Governor Deval Patrick has changed a key provision in the new police detail law that would have allowed police to maintain certain detail assignments IF local regulations required it. Unions had been counting on the provision to outmaneuver the new law, set to rein in detail costs by handing some jobs over to civilians.

Last week, the Telegram & Gazette reported that Worcester police union officials were working to push through a local ordinance that would require road work details to stay in the hands of local cops; one scenario had that rule be pushed through tomorrow’s City Council meeting with no public hearing.

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