Daily Archives: September 15, 2008

Worcester Bloglog Digital

Posted by “Ms. Crystal” on crystalstailsmeowww.blogspot.com
Good Morning America’s anchors are on the 50 states in 50 days “Whistle-Stop” 08 Tour.

This morning Neil and I went down to Union Station with some signs. Diane Sawyer, Robin Roberts, Chris Cuomo and Sam Champion did a quick walk thru on their way to Western Mass for a James Taylor concert. Check out GMA tomorrow and maybe you will be us! Can I say Diane Sawyer is beautiful and hard to believe she will be 63 in a few months.

Posted by “mike benedetti” on pieandcoffee.org
I didn’t find the Dianne Williamson column that started the latest round in this feud very interesting; strange, because so many of the elements would normally appeal to me.

I re-read the column, and when I got to this phrase I found part of the problem:

. . . InCity Times, a small newspaper that purports to speak for blue-collar folks but is actually a vehicle for Ms. Tirella to practice her peculiar brand of yellow, slash-and-burn journalism . . .

This is incorrect. InCity Times is a small newspaper that speaks for blue-collar folks and a vehicle for Ms. Tirella to practice her peculiar brand of yellow, slash-and-burn journalism. And a couple of other things as well.

Williamson’s take is disappointing. Why reduce a fascinating, three-dimensional character to one?

Too often local writers do this, and it drives me crazy. They start with a complex, flavorful, spicy reality, then dilute it way down, punching it up at the last stage with cheap adulterants (in this case, personal rancor).

Posted by “Bill Randell” on worcesterma.blogspot.com

Lets for a second assume, Direct Air is a huge success and that we, again for arguements sake, charge for parking. It will have very little effect on on our bottom line. We will still be losing $2,000,000 per year and we still should not be in the airport business.

In other words, although we should do everything we can do to make Direct Air a success, we need to pursue Plans B and C now, not later as we wait for additional studies??

Plan B: Find out how much we would save if we downgraded to only General Aviation. Based on that number, decide if we should downgrade or not.

Plan C: Put an RFP to long-term lease or outright sell ORH. We should be grateful to MassPort, but if they are not willing to take control due to access, guess what? An access road is not coming anytime soon. There are airport management companies and god knows who else that may in fact be interested in ORH. No different then the management company that runs another city owned asset, the DCU Centre.

Then eventually Plan D.

Plan D: If Plan B and Plan C do not work, we can not afford to lose $2,000,000 per year to have Direct Air to fly out of ORH and would need to close ORH and have our local delegations make efforts to waive repayment of past grants given for the airport.

Posted by “gigi” on worcesterite.com

what a total blast that was – lots of people, lots of dogs, lots of good food (noshed on some buddha hut steamed spring rolls without having to watch supreme master tv – quite a treat), and lots of fun. i’ve never been much of a j geils fan, but you know – strolling around and frolicking with the pup it seemed to be the perfect good-time all american fun music to have playing in the background…that band was a lot of fun. petrock is definitely on my yearly do-to list now. thanks to all who helped put this great event on

Posted by “jim” on worcesterite.com

My twelve-year old daughter went with some friends today, and came home and announced at dinner that she was becoming a vegan. While I admire her courage in taking this step (and will support it), it’s going to be a colossal pain for my wife and me to make sure she gets enough protein in her diet. She has agreed to make one exception and drink the raw milk that I get from a local farm, so that will help. But if anyone has tips on helping a girl that age eat right on a vegan diet, I’d appreciate them.


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GMA in Worcester

Good Morning, America hit Worcester yesterday as a kickoff for their “whistle-stop” train tour taking them around the country.  By all accounts, it was a raucous send-off.

Check GMA‘s article and video (the first minute or so is on Worcester), complete with requisite debate/teasing over how to pronounce Worcester.  Seriously, can we get one national broadcast without a Woosta/Worcester/Worchester joke?

Check out more reaction here, here, here, and here.

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