Taxi Rate Increase

It’s going to cost a little more for that cab ride.

Facing huge gas prices and diminished margins, taxi drivers in Worcester won a small victory yesterday when the License Commission voted to increase the “drop fare,” the fee you pay for getting in the cab before you go anywhere, from $2 to $3.  In a rare show of unity between Yellow Cab and Red Cab owners, proprietors of both companies asked for the quick ruling with Toni Donovan of Red Cab calling the move a “matter of survival.”

The fee change will go into effect in waves as cabs are inspected by the city over the coming month; half the cabs will go to three after June 17th or so, half the week after.


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3 responses to “Taxi Rate Increase

  1. Pingback: Pie and Coffee » 508 #38: The renegade blogger

  2. jslootbeek

    Maybe they would make money if they actually picked somebody up. I flagged down 3 cabs last Saturday night who slowed down, and then sped off without picking me up.

  3. I guess it is understandable, but it is interesting to see how the taxis are raising their fares. Portland just raised it from $2.10 to $2.30/mile. DC went from zone system to meter system, and other cities like Chicago and Detroit are now charging “Gasoline Surcharges.” (According to:

    DC actually calls it “Emergency Fuel Surcharge.” Crazy, eh?

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