It’s not late, it’s just a longer trip

Don’t like being late all the time?  Just change the deadline.

That’s what the MBTA has done, extending the scheduled commuter rail trip length between Worcester and Boston, effective February 18th.  That way, all those late trains won’t be late anymore!

You can check out the new schedule, and the Telegram article.  The money quote there, from James O’Leary, head of the commuter rail operator: “We’re expecting with these changes, it will improve reliability.”  Well, yeah.


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3 responses to “It’s not late, it’s just a longer trip

  1. For all the riders who rely on the Worcester-Framingham commuter rail train, I hope this schedule “adjustment” gets them to their destination on time. But it seems rather unfair to add 1o to 20 minutes to the inbound (morning) commuter rail schedule and 5 to 10 minutes to the outbound (evening) schedule.

    It seems like the MBTA/MBCR took the “easy” way out. They should have worked harder to make CSX commit to a schedule that would better serve customers. The more people who ride the commuter rail line from Worcester to Boston means fewer people on the roads.

  2. Gabe

    This screws those of us who work in the evening. One of the reasons I moved downtown was so I could take the commuter rail to work. Now If I want to take the train I will be a half hour late everyday which basically means I won’t be taking the train at all. Thanks dudes.

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